im feeling a little bloated and full this morning. I haven't been overly bad so I don't know whats going on. Yesterday I weighed in at like... 152, which made absolutely no sense.
I started the personal training- her name is Kristin, and she is probably a little older than me. I did bicep curls/presses, leg raises/ squats, pushups/rotating planks, tricep pull downs/lunges, situps/side to side with a medicine ball. My homework was to do this 3 more times before we meet again, but we worked out on thursday an I am seeing her on Tuesday, so I don't know how thats going to work.. I have done it twice, although not as hard as she had me do it. I also did cardio all three times too.
Food wise-- yesterday I went grocery shopping and I didn't buy much that you can snack on. I bought a lot of veggies, stuff for soup, oatmeal, milk, yogurt, pretzels.
Intake yesterday was a bagel and a cafe misto from starbucks (360 total), butter (100), pretzel chips, peppers, and hummus (300), tortilla soup with no tortillas two bowls (400?), 1 glass of wine (150), reese's pieces (200)
Outtake yesterday was 30 minutes of weight training (100), 1 hr biking (300)
NET= 1110 calories
Probably not as good as it could be, but there is always today to remedy the situation... and my soup really just has 99% FF broth, 99% FF turkey, lots of veggies, some FF sour cream, 2% cheese, and a slice of avocado, so who knows about the calories
On a love note-- i think i am going to go visit Byron over 4th of July weekend. I wanted to visit in June because we really miss each other, but if I go the first week in July then I get a 3 day weekend and can stay an extra day :) And the longer we stretch it out before flying, the less expensive it is for everyone.
However-- we have been talking etc for a month and a half. We texted during the day about July visit, and I said "lets talk about this tonight". Then, he didn't call. I don't know why I am upset because I could have easily called him, but usually if I don't call, he calls me while I am asleep... and I woke up at like 3 am to no call. I sent a text that said "up?" but I didn't hear from him. And the rest of the night I dreamed of texts etc. Why didn't he call? WHY WHY WHY. Probably because he is in NM visiting with family, and he knows I am 2 hours ahead so by the time he was ready to go to sleep, he knew I would already be asleep. Or maybe because I didn't specifically say "call me" and he was under the impression that I would call him. Or maybe he thought that since I didn't call him I didn't want to talk. OR MAYBE OR MAYBE OR MAYBE.