Sunday, September 12, 2010

i put up a week's worth of meals that I plan to follow. I am pretty sure the number I saw on the scale this morning (152lbs) is the most I have ever weighed in my life.  Like.. EVER.  It's sad to think that I am no longer in control, and of something I CAN be in control of.
I think it is SO easy to cheat.  It's so easy to say... yeah, I'll have that cookie, or well, if its free, I guess I'll have an extra slice of pizza.  NOT ACCEPTABLE.  I am not poor, I don't need free food. I am not starving, I don't need to shovel food down in fear that I won't have any in the future.  Why do I act like that? Why can't I train my mind to realize that food is fuel?
I am making a grocery list, then I'll head to the gym and work out for an hour.  I'll go to the grocery store and grab the stuff for the healthy me, and be on my way to success!!!


  1. i never ever eat free food.

    it's so kind of alert signal to the brain to stuff as much in as humanly possible!

    i resist these days, and feel smug when all the other girls make comments.

    don't give up babes, you can do it !!! xxx


  2. good luck, I always find making a plan helps me best to find my way back to better control

    I think the faint pink tattoo sounds beautiful - unique and sounds like it suits you, which makes it perfect!
