Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Doctor said nothing is wrong with me.  A pH imbalance.  Just taking meds for 3 days and I'll be fine.  The tattoo looks lovely, and I'll post pictures ASAP.
Today was the first time I've been able to change my weight loss side bar since re-starting my blog.  I've weighed in at 144.x for the last 2 mornings... so I think it is safe to say that I am down a few pounds.
Christmas for me wasn't that great.  My boy got me some "thoughtful" but "useless" gifts... and was not exactly gracious when I have him his gift.  I exchanged one of his gifts at best buy and put some money and the store credit towards a new heart rate monitor.  I got a Polar F7, and I've taken it out and set it, but I haven't used it yet because my tattoo is right where the chest strap hits, and I'm not willing to mess it up.  Did go to the gym Sunday and Monday (yoga and weight class), but have been generally inactive.  Need to pick that up, but stress at work is just killing me.
Have put myself back on my old antidepressants for a while to see if I can pick up my mood during busy season at work.  Don't want to start throwing up like before and ruin my teeth.

I don't have any plans for new years... hmmm I want to go to New Years Day spin class... so hopefully I don't do anything crazy.


  1. Hey! I changed my URL a few weeks ago so you might have to refollow me so that the updates will start showing up again. :)

  2. congrats on being able to change your weight side bar! good thing nothing is wrong with you!

  3. keep at it! :) don't forget that you're cool and can do well!
