Monday, March 18, 2013

Today and tomorrow I am participating in a juice fast. I just need to do something. I know this wont be a permanent fix, and that the results I will see aren't forever, but I'm 14 hours in and have 34 left to go and am feeling good.

I used to be a faster and a starver.... As I've gotten older and read more and more on nutrition, I truly understand that your body cannot function at its full potential without calories. However, it is easy to see a quick fix idea and think that it might work, or it might be worth it. The healthier me is larger than the younger me who did fast and over exercise and all that... So what is my reward for doing it right!?

I'm going to give this a solid two days and then head to Tampa for work. I'll be eating while I'm there, but I will be alone for dinners which is nice, as long as I can manage not to binge.

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