Thursday, September 29, 2011

I am definitely doing better.  I am down 2 lbs and have gone to the gym pretty consistently since my last post.  I had my brother in town this weekend which meant lots of entertaining and lots of drinking/great food... but I tried to balance it out, and since Sunday I've done my best to only put healthy things in my body!

I am having an emotional breakdown, which is never fun.  For some reason I can't seem to shake the feeling that my boyfriend doesn't love me any more.  I have absolutely no basis for these thoughts... except for the fact that he doesn't say "I love you", only "I love you too."  And that is typical male, nothing to do with me.  Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how much I tell myself I'm being irrational, I'm still feeling this way.  Maybe I need my meds adjusted.

Boyfriend is also on a diet, which is more motivation for me to get skinny.  He had lost a lot of weight right before we started dating and has slowly been putting it back on.  We eat out all the time, and get frozen yogurt, and drink a bottle of wine in a sitting, etc.  This morning we were supposed to go to the gym together but the Braves were playing a big game and he wanted to stay up and watch it and by the time we got to bed and actually fell asleep, it was 1 am.

I'm trying to work on balancing out all the good stuff I'm doing with a little bit of bad stuff so I don't go crazy.  For instance, I'm considering going to the food trucks today at lunch to get a fish taco.  They are absolutely delicious, and probably pretty bad for you.  Honestly though, I'm not sure that's worth it to me right now.  Boyfriend and I are going on a double date tomorrow where there will be alcohol and dessert abound. 
I will eat a power bar for breakfast, a lean cuisine for lunch, and I'm going to someone's house for RoshHashana tonight.... where I intend to be good.

Everyone have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. My hubby was watching the Braves game last night! He didn't hear a word I said during that time and I basically had to retell him stuff later on that night...shoulda known. Well, social outings are certainly a diet disaster. Try to be good!!
