Sunday, January 4, 2015

It has been such a long time since I updated. It's not that I haven't wanted to blog, or I haven't been reading all of your blogs, but I am just had a hard time getting motivated to write anything. So much has happened since the last time I was on blogger that I don't even know where to start. Last time I wrote I was dealing with the break up from Steven and going through some really rough times with that... There's been so many developments since that time I feel like a completely different person! One thing I do want to share in this quick post is that in the time since I've written, I've lost a long-standing relationship, but I also lost some baggage… Weight baggage
My therapist mentioned that I may have been holding on to some pounds as a protective layer during my last relationship, possibly because subconsciously I was unhappy. Since the break up (9 months ago), I have lost A LOT of weight.  I've been working out at a mixed martial arts gym, which I was doing the last time I posted. I've been at the gym since March, but it wasn't until April or May that I really start to see results. The diagram below is my body fat percentages in March, April, July, and today: 
I am so proud of myself for working hard and taking care of my body. As you can see from July to January there hasn't been much change… A little bit of weight loss but also some muscle loss in there. Well… In August I met someone. It was completely unexpected… We actually ran into each other at a bar! The last few months with him have been the best of my entire life… I have so much to say about this relationship and the relationship ending with Steven and so many thoughts I need to get down on paper, but for now this post will just be about my renewed intention for health! My goal is to get to 15% body fat by April. I need a plan of attack... Any suggestions?


  1. Happy 2015 K :) It is so good to hear from you. I have been wondering how you have been.
    It is so good to see that you are in much better place with your body and the new relationship. I'm afraid I don't have any plan of attack for you, but whatever you have been doing seems to be working great. Maybe get a nutrition plan from a nutritionist for best results? Or maybe try something like this:

    Looking forward to see what road you choose :) Gl hon

  2. Congrats on your progress. Those little printouts are really cool. It's interesting what your therapist said about holding onto a 'protective layer'. Either way I'm glad you're happier now :)
    Good luck with your goal

  3. I also am mostly unmotivated about blogging. I hate to say it but I'm glad you dropped that dead weight. You put up with so much and I know it's hard to see it in when you are in the situation but it's pretty clear if a guy really wants to be with you or not when you are able to view it without bias. You deserved so much better!! Great work on the weight loss! Glad you have met someone new. Happy New year.
