Friday, January 18, 2013

I did tons of cardio this week and kept track of my food like crazy. Not saying I are perfectly, but I definitely should have lost some weight.
When I got home from Chicago, my new scale was waiting for me. I was pretty anxious to try it out but knew I should wait til the morning. I drempt about it....
I stepped on the old scale for comparison to my weight from before and I was up 0.6 lbs!!! Whyyyyy??? 152.6
So frustrating, and so unfair. I mean, what's the point of cardio if nothing is going to change?
I stepped on the new scale and it read 150 exactly. Has my scale been wrong? Maybe the battery is getting old. I turned on the body fat etc calculator and it told me I have 25% body fat and 53% water. Is this good? I know it's in the acceptable range but am I too worried about my scale number? Ugh. I just want to see 140.

1 comment:

  1. I know it sucks to work hard and feel like you are not getting any where. I just keep telling myself it will go down, if I stick with it. Keep trying!!
